Tuesday, April 17, 2018

30 Days of Color (The 30 Day Art Challenge) Day 1

Since my life changed dramatically last year, I have been on a journey of sorts.  When you hit rock bottom, the only thing to do is build something new, something stronger.  The rock is the foundation, and the only limits are of your own imaginings.

So I found myself at forty-two years of age, starting life over.

I have done a number of things on this journey.  I have started living healthier and losing weight.  Life is too short to be bogged down with bogus health issues.  Not when some of them are completely within my control.  I have started engaging more on social media, keeping and maintaining connections to my friends, and making new connections.  I have reached out and found new connections to my mother's family, which is one of the most amazing and tremendous things I have discovered.   I have learned that I have cousins that share my world view as well as my bloodline and family history.

I started this blog, and have been writing every single day (not just here, but on project that I had been putting off because "Something more important" was always coming up.)

And I have rediscovered my life in art.

I used to draw.  All. The. Time.  I had sketchbooks on top of sketchbooks.  I doodled and sketched and painted.  I sculpted and learned to make things with wire (like jewelry).  I always had art as a part of my life.

Then I let life get me.  I let the negatives and the sadness and the stress erase the substance of who I am until all that was left was a vague outline.  All of the dimension was gone.

It took my grief to snap me back into myself.

I turned to art as therapy, and in an effort to no longer hide myself, I began putting things out for everyone to see.  To my amazement, people responded positively.  And then something unbelievable happened.

I sold a drawing.  A drawing done by my little hands with pastels on paper.  Something that did not exist until I created it was wanted enough by someone else that they spent their own money to get it.

Real, spendable money.

This had to be a fluke.  No one else is ever going to want to purchase something that I have made.

Then the second piece sold.

You could have knocked me over with a feather.

So now I have this thing that I love, this thing that is so much a part of me that I could no more separate it from myself than I could detach my own head, and this thing has the potential to make money?

Get out of town!

I buckled down and drew more.  I put out more pieces.  I drew and drew and drew...

And then I realized that what I was drawing wasn't exactly resonating with me the way I wanted them to.  I felt that voice of self doubt creep in.  I have to stomp it out.  I have to silence that tiny fiend or I know I will let this go, just like I did before.  I am not living that life any more.  I will not, I cannot.  Not today, sister.

So I decided to stretch my boundaries.  I am working on a 30 day art challenge.  Every day I am going to draw something new... the object is to spend no more than 30-45 minutes on a piece, to push your own boundaries, and to work with the first thing that comes to your mind.

There were several variations on this idea out there on the web, and I decided, like all things, that I had to be different.  The kids helped me come up with words and ideas, and we pulled them out of a hat. (A literal hat).

The 30 Day Art Challenge - Ala Dawn

  1. Flight
  2. Dreams or Dreamscape
  3. Darkness
  4. Character
  5. Love
  6. Motherhood
  7. Nature
  8. Movement
  9. Astrology
  10. Harmony
  11. Technology
  12. Lightness
  13. Water
  14. Sweet
  15. Out of Time
  16. Reflections
  17. Purity
  18. Solitude
  19. Freedom
  20. Joy
  21. Mystery
  22. Childhood
  23. Fantasy
  24. Companion
  25. Abstract
  26. Modern
  27. Wish
  28. Happiness
  29. Comfort
  30. Self

Day one was Flight.  A perfect start.  My life is taking off.  I have wings. I can reach the sun.

Flight, Watercolor and Colored Pencils on paper.

It may have been literal, but it pushed me.  I have never drawn a bird before, much less a bird in flight.

My mother puts out nectar for the hummingbirds.  
I never tire of watching them fly.

Tomorrow, I get to paint my dreams.

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