Saturday, April 21, 2018

30 Day Art Challenge, Day 5 - Love

This cold will not leave. So I am keeping it short today.

 30 Day Art Challenge

  1. Flight 
  2. Dreams or Dreamscape 
  3. Darkness 
  4. Character 
  5. Love 
  6. Motherhood 
  7. Nature 
  8. Movement 
  9. Astrology 
  10. Harmony 
  11. Technology 
  12. Lightness 
  13. Water 
  14. Sweet 
  15. Out of Time 
  16. Reflections 
  17. Purity 
  18. Solitude 
  19. Freedom 
  20. Joy 
  21. Mystery 
  22. Childhood
  23. Fantasy 
  24. Companion 
  25. Abstract 
  26. Modern 
  27. Wish 
  28. Happiness 
  29. Comfort 
  30. Self 


Today's piece is inspired by my son and his disgusting ratty stuffed panda. (I mean this thing stinks! It is grey and tattered, the black fur around his eyes has worn off so the stuffed animal looks permanently surprised.... You know what? I am going to include the inspiration too... Because there are no words.)

But if you were to ask him what he sees when he looks at his panda, he will tell you that he is a majestic beast, roaming the apartment when we are gone, frequently taking trips to his native China to lounge in a bamboo forest. He sees beauty and majesty where most people see nothing but a stuffed toy that has seen better days.

And that, my friends is love. When you love someone so much that you only see their beauty and are blind to their tattered edges, that is the purest affection. May we all see the world with his eyes.

 30 Days of Art, Day 5 - Love, watercolor on paper.

Love, Watercolor on paper

Panda Express, Adventurer and Friend

Tomorrow is Motherhood, which to me is just an extension of the theme of love.

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